Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Waiting for the Plane....

Some quick background......Born in Indiana and have lived in Houston, Texas for the past ten years. I am now living here in Western Mali in West Africa and studying Health and Nutrition. This isn't the most healthy nor nutritionally stable place but it's definitely a learning experience and so far I wouldn't trade it for anything.

For those who have always lived a First World lifestyle, living in one of the world's poorest countries will humble you and open your eyes beyond anything. I have infinite appreciation for being here and everyone who made it possible.......... Now, if anyone could send me some Whole Foods 365 Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter and all the episodes of this season's 30 Rock, I will be even more grateful........

The main purpose of this blog is to pass along interesting tidbits of my African lifestyle as well as some interesting food things and any Cliff Claven-esque trivia I can dish out.

Today has been such a lazy day. (that's not a complaint) We're now waiting for the plane to arrive so we can fly down to Bamako (capital of Mali). Shall be a glutenous Thai meal this evening at the SukkaThai restaurant. Then off to the Appaloosa bar for social hour with the Ukrainian girls accompanied by a few beers. The Sukka Thai makes some wicked awesome peanut sauce and spring rolls----which are usually lacking here in the Sub-Saharan belt.

Am looking very forward to my upcoming week in another location. Will be down in the southern part of Mali--another new experience.

Due to my plethora of bug bites, I have been scratching like a flea-ridden dog. For some reason, despite our entrance into the dry season, the mossies are biting more frequently than during the wet season. Btw--little piece of trivia--did you know Houston used to be the state capital of Texas but because so many people living there were dying from Malaria, they moved the capital to Austin.

Today is Veteran's Day. A special salute to my favorite veteran--RJ. It's been very interesting watching Veteran's Day events in Western Europe (in both English and French). Those guys (and girls) from WWI dressed up in their uniforms in the freezing cold. My salutes to all of them.

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